According to GSA and GSMA reports VoLTE subscriptions will overcome 4Kbn in 2024 with more than 280 VoLTE networks deployed at the end of 2022 all over and increasing VoNR deployments. Hence in the 5G era with 2G/3G SwitchOff planned to completion close to 2025 IP Multimedia Subsystem becomes the must-have technology to enable voice and communication services in the mobile network.
Based on our experience the IMS demand in the private networks is increasing during last years in many segments (mining, oil&gas, utilities, government, healthcare), this because more and more companies need to enable the communication internally and externally by assuring a seamless user experience between private and public networks.
Moreover, the need to enable the emergency services for private or IoTs devices is increasingly a requirement. In this context We believe that voice and communication services are a real value added to the private networks and our offer leverages on more than 15 years of experience in which our solutions have been tailored for private networks.