
Superefficient communication and connectivity bubble to face any emergency service

5G for public safety: providing safe and reliable critical communications

Providing for mission critical communications can help save lives. The public safety network is used by emergency services organizations and public safety agencies – such as police, fire and emergency medical services – to prevent or respond to incidents or natural disasters. In these situations, a bubble of real-time and uninterrupted communication and connectivity has to be created where the network doesn’t exist, or in critical environments and in crowded areas, where typically the normal national communication can’t guarantee the security and resilience that those kinds of operational communication exactly need. In short, effective mission critical communications systems are essential to bring faster, safer and efficient communications to public safety professionals, the ones in charge of the quick response to a crisis.

How can 5G support and improve mission critical communications?

The deployment of 5G in mission critical communication can unlock new and unprecedented opportunities for efficient responses to crisis.

First and foremost, quickness is one of the requirements that make 5G mobile networks the game-changer for the safety and critical communication field, as the 5G ultra-fast speeds and lower latency ensure continuous and reliable access to data and secure connectivity, especially in remote and chaotic areas or where the communication flow could be easily disrupted.

As a consequence, mission critical networks and communications improve the situational awareness of all those agents working on the front lines, allowing them to make better and quicker decisions. Thanks to 5G networks, data and critical information travel faster than ever and without delays or interruptions, saving precious time and lives.
Moreover, in a world where cyber attacks are a daily threat for governments and institutional bodies, 5G networks offer an unprecedented level of safety, protection and defense from external threats.

problems to solve and constrains to care

Main Challenges




Everywhere deployability


High reliability, high bandwidth and continuous connectivity


Low latency communication


Prioritise traffic


Redundancy and resilience


Flexibility and performance



our solution

how we solve them

Agile and high performance networks that guarantee total reliability

We deliver agile, secure, high performance networks, guaranteed in all conditions and critical environments. They offer:


compact click-to-deploy networks for easy setting up standalone LTE networks


no compromises on security


scalability with control plane and user plane scaling independently


a high resilient design for most demanding environments


a full range of standard or customized applications to meet public safety needs


an highly secured tactical LTE Coverage with SIM-based authentication and Encryption algorithm